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Is there a way to use a calculated number field to determine a number of years?

[Q] Is there a way to use a calculated number field to determine a number of years?
Here is what I desire:
A. Add/ a field (Field A) and track the graduation year from college ( example 1988 )
B. Add another field (Field B) (calcuted ) that says "Years since graduation"
C. The logic for Field B = today's year - Field A
This functionality would let me store a calculated amount and run queries/send reports for ten year anniversaries, 25 year graduation, 16th birthday, 21st birthday, etc.

[A] Yes, you can use the "TODAY_YEAR" (without "") keyword in the constant field of a calculated custom field.

  • Define a custom field of type ?Number/Calculated?.
  • After submit, you will see an ?edit? next to the newly created ?Number/Calc? field.
  • Click into the edit link, and you will have a chance to define

[LEFT] (+-*/) [RIGHT].

  • Put (all caps) "TODAY_YEAR" (without"")  as the left value.
  • For example in the following screenshot

    The field value will be 9.00, (right now is 2009)

date calculation, years

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