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Knowledge Home | Sales and Opportunity Mgmnt | Sales Automation
What does the Sales module offer?
The Sales Force Automation (SFA) module include the following functionalities:

- Customer/Contact Management:
Customer/Contact Detail Info, Phone, E-Mail, Addresses tracking,
Relationships between customers and contacts,
Interaction History for a given customer/contact,
Opportunities for a given customer/contact,
Notes and Attachments for a given customer/contact,
Sales Team and Access Control for a given customer/contact

- Opportunity Management
Opportunity Detail Info, amount, status, stage and progress,
Purchase Line, Amount and product info,
Interaction History for an Opportunity,
Notes and Attachments for an Opportunity,
Sales Team and Access Control for an Opportunity

- Forecast
Forecase by Customer Defined Calendar Month/Quarter/Year,
Multiple level forecast roll-up

- Calendar / Tasks
Schedule internal meetings, appointments and customer interactions,
Check availablities for colleagues,
Email notifications for event invite,
Create tasks, re-assign tasks to others,
Notes and Attachments

And as in every module, there is setup pages for User management, Product management, Custom Field management, and various other business entities

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