First Step: Search
First step is to search for your leads. You can either use the Lead -> Search screen, or the sidebar Quick Search.
Select from your search result
At the search result screen, select the leads you want to assign, and click the [Batch Assign] button.
Tip: as with other entity search results, if you left click the [checkbox] in the upper left corner of the result table, all leads in this page will be selected. ( for example 1-20 out of 123 )
If you right click the [checkbox] in the upper left corner, all leads across all pages in this search result will be selected ( for example 1 - 123 out of 123, even when we only show 20 entries per page )
Now the fun part
When you have many leads to assign, you do not want to select the user dropdown for each lead. Instead, determine a number (of leads) to assign to a sales rep, and jump to that number.
For example, if you want to assign 10 leads to JPudski, go to line 10.
And voilą
All 10 leads are now assigned to JPudski.
Now jump to line 30, which means you are assigning the next 20 ( 30-10 ) leads to another user. Repeat until all leads are assigned.
When you have selected a sales rep for all leads
Choose one of these buttons:
[Add To Team], [Add as Team Lead], [Add as Exclusive]
to assign the leads.
You will also have the option to send out an email to the sales reps that you assigned.
And that is it
(to recap) The way you batch assign leads to different users is this: jump into the middle of the list. Select a user. All the empty rows above it all the way to the previous assigned lead will be filled with your current user selection.
This way you can assign hundreds of records in just a few clicks.
What is the quickest way to assign leads among your sales people? | | | | First Step: Search
First step is to search for your leads. You can either use the Lead -> Search screen, or the sidebar Quick Search.
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