How to configure a campaign to change Lead Status?
A customer recently asks: " ... however once we have contacted them through a campain/sent an email they will consequently need to be changed to 'ongoing contact'. ... "
Turn on the advanced parameters
Before we begin, navigate to Account -> Setup -> Campaign -> Advanced Parameters: Campaign
And make sure that
the Advanced Parameter in Guided Flow is turned to ENABLE.
Lets start by creating a new campaign
The example here uses Guided Flow: One Email Blast. Other guided flow wizards works the same.
If you are used to creating a campaign manually, we will also cover that in slide 7.
Fast forward the campaign creation process
With the Guided flow, creating a campaign should be really fast, especially if you already have the email template and your audience list. We will fast forward the 3 steps here.
When you click on the Send out the email NOW
If you have [Enabled] the advanced parameters in the earlier slide, you will see the link to configure [optional params]. You will want to click on that link, since here is the place to specify that we want to change Lead Status.
If you are used to the traditional interface
and like to configure campaign manually, you can accomplish the same by clicking on the [Configure] link under a Campaign Schedule.
And that is it Don't forget to check out our other screenshot walkthroughs in our support portal under the Screenshot Walkthrough Tag. A customer recently asks:
In our accounts, we have three Lead Status: Not yet contacted, ongoing contact and do not contact.
When I import new leads whom we have not yet contacted they are given that first status, however once we have contacted them through a campain/sent an email they will consequently need to be changed to 'ongoing contact'. Is there a way which we can automate this change? | | | | How to configure a campaign to change Lead Status?
A customer recently asks: " ... however once we have contacted them through a campain/sent an email they will consequently need to be changed to 'ongoing contact'. ... "
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