Text View Html View
  <form name="login" action="http://www.ebsuite.com/ozLogin.jsp" method=post>
       <p class="style13">Login to Your "Give it a Name" Database here: </p>
       <table width=250 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
  <td width="14%" align=right nowrap class=normalSmall><strong>Acct Name : &nbsp;</strong></td>
  <td width="86%" align=left nowrap class=normalSmall>
  <input type=text name=companyName class=textInput size=18 value="" /></td>
  <td align=right nowrap class=normalSmall><strong>User: &nbsp;</strong></td>
  <td class=normalSmall align=left nowrap><input type=text name=userName class=textInput size=18 value="" /></td>
  <td align=right nowrap class=normalSmall><strong>PW: &nbsp;</strong></td>
  <td class=normalSmall align=left nowrap><input type=password name=passWord class=textInput size=18 value=""></td>

  <td>&nbsp;</td><td class=smallButton align=left nowrap>
    <input type=submit name="submitBtn" class=normalButton value="LOGIN">
<tr>  <td align=right class=normalSmall>&nbsp;</td>  <td align=left class=normalSmall><input type=checkbox class=normalSmall name=rememberMe value="Y"  checked> Remember me </td>
<input type=hidden name=ru value="">
      <input type=hidden name=rup value="">

<!  To have the login user be returned to the below web site, be sure to change to an the same site as the login site>

      <input type=hidden name=lourl value="http://www.YOURDOMAINNAME.com">